Choosing the Right Brick for Your Building Project

Choosing the Right Brick for Your Building Project

Choosing the Right Brick for Your Building Project 1440 754 South Alabama Brick

One of the most critical decisions when starting a building project is selecting the right type of bricks. When choosing brick for your building project, there are various factors to consider, including the size, color and texture.

Let’s review what to factor into your decision, brick by brick!

Type of bricks.

Understanding the many types and materials available when choosing bricks for your building project is essential.  Each has unique qualities that can impact how they function and look.

Whether longevity, thermal efficiency or visual appeal are your top priorities, trust our talented team of professionals at Capital Brick, a division of South Alabama Brick, to help you choose the ideal bricks for your building projects.

The size and shape.

Bricks come in various sizes and shapes. The dimensions you decide on can affect construction time and costs. Typically, residential bricks are Queen size (2 ¾” H x 2 ¾” D x 7 5/8” L). They tend to be cost-effective and easy to work with.


All clay bricks are very durable. Most offer a lifetime warranty.


Before you start your building project, double-check with your supplier to see if the brick you want is readily available. Remember to communicate firm deadlines and timelines early to ensure the bricks and building supplies you want are delivered to the job site during the desired time frame.

Aesthetics and functionality.

Clay brick offers a nice balance between aesthetics and functionality. The experts at Capital Brick can help you explore the wide range of options in different colors, textures and finishes. We have more than 70 years of combined experience!


Rest assured that the brick you select for your building project will stand the test of time. Whether it’s a commercial or residential project, our selection of clay brick accommodates a variety of architectural tastes and styles. Learn more about our residential and commercial collections. Contact us with any questions and to get started on your next project!