
Dudley Gordon Receives AIA Award

Dudley Gordon Receives AIA Award 4032 3024 South Alabama Brick
Dudley Gordon Receives AIA Award

Dudley Gordon Receives AIA Award

October 19th, the Montgomery, Alabama Chapter of the AIA (American Institute of Architects) awarded Dudley Gordon the Mike Barrett Memorial Award. This special award was created in 2005 to recognize annually the outstanding contributions of an individual to the architectural profession. The award was named in memory of William Michael Barrett who worked for McAdams Commercial Flooring and was well-known and respected by the architects of our region.

A BIA Certified Brick Specialist, Dudley joined South Alabama Brick June 2015 as an Architectural Representative for Capital Brick and Whatley Supply. With 16 years’ experience in the masonry supply industry, Dudley has shown outstanding affiliated member contribution to the architectural profession through his dedicated involvement, on a professional and personal level.


South Alabama Brick becomes Latictrete MVIS Distributors

South Alabama Brick becomes Latictrete MVIS Distributors 1680 1680 South Alabama Brick

The LATICRETE Masonry Veneer Installation System (MVIS)

The increase in popularity of adhered masonry veneer facades has left the industry absent of suitable installation materials and detailed specifications – LATICRETE® has the answer!
Their proven technology will provide a permanent, high strength installation that is freeze thaw stable and protects from water intrusion.

For over 50 years LATICRETE has continuously provided the latest technology in construction materials and methods to deliver superior problem free installations for tile and stone installations. Utilizing these advanced technologies, the LATICRETE Masonry Veneer Installation System (MVIS) is designed to offer complete solutions for adhered masonry veneers.


Installation of masonry veneers is typically performed with on-site mortar mixes that are subject to large variations in quality and performance. Whether over concrete or masonry substrates, installations usually include metal lath and most often provide inadequate protection from the weather resulting in water intrusion and also delamination of the veneer. Difficult to use and very time consuming to prepare, these systems are not engineered as complete wall systems and therefore do not offer warranties from a reliable source that will stand behind the installation.


The LATICRETE MVIS system is also verified through independent testing to perform equally to code approved conventional lath and plaster installation systems for adhered masonry veneers.


LATICRETE MVIS System House Facade LATICRETE MVIS System Cutaway Drawing


The LATICRETE MVIS provides the solution by offering a comprehensive quality controlled installation system. Utilizing proven materials, LATICRETE MVIS products include a revolutionary waterproofing membrane, polymer fortified adhesive mortars that provide non-sag performance, a scratch and brown coat mortar, a masonry pointing mortar and a 100% silicone sealant.
